by KillDry
(Nicholas Deyoe and Jay Sorce)
by Adam Rowe
Mail Art
by Leah Asher
about the art
Sink into a maze of textures with the guitar duo KillDry and visual artists Adam Rowe and Leah Asher.
Guitar and electronics duo Nick Deyoe and Jay Sorce are KillDry, a name referring to the removal of any original guitar sound, leaving behind only the processed layers created by effects pedals. KillDry collaborated with video artist Adam Rowe to create the film Dead Temple Visions. In the film, Adam melds geometric forms —he cites MC Escher and Donald Judd as primary influences— with detailed textures to illustrate KillDry’s layered guitar and effect pedal soundforms.
Visual artist Leah Asher responds to Dead Temple Visions with Untitled 59, a painting made from oil, ink, graphite, and electrical tape on paper and wood. Leah shares KillDry and Adam’s interest in intricate textures, fine details, and the contrast between defined lines and fuzzy imagery. In Untitled 59, Leah uses stark contrast and defined details to draw the viewer in so they can absorb incredibly detailed textures and organic shapes.
In a face-paced world where information is skimmed and digested instantaneously, these pieces invite us to pause and look closely at their intricate layered worlds.